The Types of the System.Data Namespace

Of all the ADO.NET namespaces, System.Data is the lowest common denominator. You cannot build ADO.NET applications without specifying this namespace in your data access applications. This namespace contains types that are shared among all ADO.NET data providers, regardless of the underlying data store. In addition to a number of database-centric exceptions (e.g., NoNullAllowedException, RowNotInTableException, and MissingPrimaryKeyException), System.Data contains types that represent various database primitives (e.g., tables, rows, columns, and constraints), as well as the common interfaces implemented by data provider objects. Table 21-4 lists some of the core types you should be aware of.

Table 21-4. Core Members of the System.Data Namespace

Type Meaning in Life
Constraint Represents a constraint for a given DataColumn object.
DataColumn Represents a single column within a DataTable object.
DataRelation Represents a parent/child relationship between two DataTable objects.
DataRow Represents a single row within a DataTable object.
DataSet Represents an in-memory cache of data consisting of any number of interrelated DataTable objects.
DataTable Represents a tabular block of in-memory data.
DataTableReader Allows you to treat a DataTable as a fire-hose cursor (forward only, readonly data access).
DataView Represents a customized view of a DataTable for sorting, filtering, searching, editing, and navigation.
IDataAdapter Defines the core behavior of a data adapter object.
IDataParameter Defines the core behavior of a parameter object.
IDataReader Defines the core behavior of a data reader object.
IDbCommand Defines the core behavior of a command object.
IDbDataAdapter Extends IDataAdapter to provide additional functionality of a data adapter object.
IDbTransaction Defines the core behavior of a transaction object.

You use the vast majority of the classes within System.Data when programming against the disconnected layer of ADO.NET. In the next chapter, you will get to know the details of the DataSet and its related cohorts (e.g., DataTable, DataRelation, and DataRow) and how to use them (and a related data adapter) to represent and manipulate client-side copies of remote data.

However, your next task is to examine the core interfaces of System.Data at a high level; this can help you understand the common functionality offered by any data provider. You will also learn specific details throughout this chapter; however, for now it’s best to focus on the overall behavior of each interface type.

The Role of the IDbConnection Interface

The IDbConnection type is implemented by a data provider’s connection object. This interface defines a set of members used to configure a connection to a specific data store. It also allows you to obtain the data provider’s transaction object. Here is the formal definition of IDbConnection:

public interface IDbConnection : IDisposable
    string ConnectionString { get; set; }
    int ConnectionTimeout { get; }
    string Database { get; }
    ConnectionState State { get; }

    IDbTransaction BeginTransaction();
    IDbTransaction BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel il);
    void ChangeDatabase(string databaseName);
    void Close();
    IDbCommand CreateCommand();
    void Open();

Note Like many other types in the .NET base class libraries, the Close() method is functionally equivalent to calling the Dispose() method directly or indirectly within C# by using scope (see Chapter 8).

The Role of the IDbTransaction Interface

The overloaded BeginTransaction() method defined by IDbConnection provides access to the provider’s transaction object. You can use the members defined by IDbTransaction to interact programmatically with a transactional session and the underlying data store:

public interface IDbTransaction : IDisposable
    IDbConnection Connection { get; }
    IsolationLevel IsolationLevel { get; }
    void Commit();
    void Rollback();

The Role of the IDbCommand Interface

Next up is the IDbCommand interface, which will be implemented by a data provider’s command object. Like other data access object models, command objects allow programmatic manipulation of SQL statements, stored procedures, and parameterized queries. Command objects also provide access to the data provider’s data reader type through the overloaded ExecuteReader() method:

public interface IDbCommand : IDisposable
    string CommandText { get; set; }
    int CommandTimeout { get; set; }
    CommandType CommandType { get; set; }
    IDbConnection Connection { get; set; }
    IDataParameterCollection Parameters { get; }
    IDbTransaction Transaction { get; set; }
    UpdateRowSource UpdatedRowSource { get; set; }

    void Cancel();
    IDbDataParameter CreateParameter();
    int ExecuteNonQuery();
    IDataReader ExecuteReader();
    IDataReader ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior);
    object ExecuteScalar();
    void Prepare();

The Role of the IDbDataParameter and IDataParameter Interfaces

Notice that the Parameters property of IDbCommand returns a strongly typed collection that implements IDataParameterCollection. This interface provides access to a set of IDbDataParameter-compliant class types (e.g., parameter objects):

public interface IDbDataParameter : IDataParameter
    byte Precision { get; set; }
    byte Scale { get; set; }
    int Size { get; set; }

IDbDataParameter extends the IDataParameter interface to obtain the following additional behaviors:

public interface IDataParameter
    DbType DbType { get; set; }
    ParameterDirection Direction { get; set; }
    bool IsNullable { get; }
    string ParameterName { get; set; }
    string SourceColumn { get; set; }
    DataRowVersion SourceVersion { get; set; }
    object Value { get; set; }

As you will see, the functionality of the IDbDataParameter and IDataParameter interfaces allows you to represent parameters within a SQL command (including stored procedures) through specific ADO.NET parameter objects, rather than through hard-coded string literals.

The Role of the IDbDataAdapter and IDataAdapter Interfaces

You use data adapters to push and pull DataSets to and from a given data store. The IDbDataAdapter interface defines a set of properties that you can use to maintain the SQL statements for the related select, insert, update, and delete operations:

public interface IDbDataAdapter : IDataAdapter
    IDbCommand DeleteCommand { get; set; }
    IDbCommand InsertCommand { get; set; }
    IDbCommand SelectCommand { get; set; }
    IDbCommand UpdateCommand { get; set; }

In addition to these four properties, an ADO.NET data adapter also picks up the behavior defined in the base interface, IDataAdapter. This interface defines the key function of a data adapter type: the ability to transfer DataSets between the caller and underlying data store using the Fill() and Update() methods. The IDataAdapter interface also allows you to map database column names to more userfriendly display names with the TableMappings property:

public interface IDataAdapter
    MissingMappingAction MissingMappingAction { get; set; }
    MissingSchemaAction MissingSchemaAction { get; set; }
    ITableMappingCollection TableMappings { get; }
    int Fill(DataSet dataSet);
    DataTable[] FillSchema(DataSet dataSet, SchemaType schemaType);
    IDataParameter[] GetFillParameters();
    int Update(DataSet dataSet);

The Role of the IDataReader and IDataRecord Interfaces

The next key interface to be aware of is IDataReader, which represents the common behaviors supported by a given data reader object. When you obtain an IDataReader-compatible type from an ADO.NET data provider, you can iterate over the result set in a forward-only, read-only manner:

public interface IDataReader : IDisposable, IDataRecord
    int Depth { get; }
    bool IsClosed { get; }
    int RecordsAffected { get; }
    void Close();
    DataTable GetSchemaTable();
    bool NextResult();
    bool Read();

Finally, IDataReader extends IDataRecord, which defines many members that allow you to extract a strongly typed value from the stream, rather than casting the generic System.Object retrieved from the data reader’s overloaded indexer method. Here is a partial listing of the various GetXXX() methods defined by IDataRecord (see the .NET Framework 4.0 SDK documentation for a complete listing):

public interface IDataRecord
    int FieldCount { get; }
    object this[ string name ] { get; }
    object this[ int i ] { get; }
    bool GetBoolean(int i);
    byte GetByte(int i);
    char GetChar(int i);
    DateTime GetDateTime(int i);
    decimal GetDecimal(int i);
    float GetFloat(int i);
    short GetInt16(int i);
    int GetInt32(int i);
    long GetInt64(int i);
    bool IsDBNull(int i);

Note You can use the IDataReader.IsDBNull() method to discover programmatically whether a specified field is set to null before obtaining a value from the data reader (to avoid triggering a runtime exception). Also recall that C# supports nullable data types (see Chapter 4), which are ideal for interacting with data columns that could be NULL in the database table.